Many individuals have a family member or friend who provides care to assist them to enable to continue to live at home. Sometimes primary carers, for example a husband, wife, partner, daughter, son, or close friend need support to keep going.
In-home Respite care is designed to provide home and community based respite to the primary carer(s) within the caregiver’s home. Respite care is a chance for you and the person you care for to take a break.
As a primary carer you may need a break for a few hours, a few days or overnight, on either a regular basis or for a short period.
This provides the opportunity for the care recipient to be cared for within the comfort of his or her normal environment. The temporary caregiver can learn the family routine, where medicines are stored, likes or dislikes, and interests.
Alternatively, it can be a break for a primary carer and a pleasant change for a client to be transported to a social outing, helped with shopping or even a walk along the beach etc.
All the time the client has the benefit of companionship and socialisation, with the constant supervision of a carer, and the primary caregiver has an opportunity to attend to their own needs and wellbeing.
Veterans’ Home Care (VHC) program
The Department of Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Home Care (VHC) program provides low level home care services to eligible veterans and war widows and widowers. Seniors Community Care is an approved provider for the Veterans’ Home Care program.
Seniors Community Care can provide Domestic Assistance (Home Care), In-home Respite, Personal Care and/or Safety Related Home and Garden Maintenance where a client is assessed as eligible.
For clients and general enquiries please telephone 03 5977 6966